Dried Mint Wholesaling Guide
Before moving to wholesaling and dried mint wholesale price let us answer these questions:
Is it possible to eat soup or have an iced drink without any dried mint in the hot seasons? It might be interesting for you to know that the real reason for adding dried mint to these kinds of foods is that it changes the nature of foods and it works as a bloat reducer.
So, this is not just about its magnificent taste and aroma that make dried mint a wonderful herb; although there are some other amazing medicinal and food properties. Recently, using fresh and dried mint due to its medicinal aroma can prevent some of the nervous sickness symptoms such as severe tension that can affect dried mint wholesale price.
What Is Dried Mint?
As the name suggests, it is a kind of mint that has a fantastic aroma and is reputed as a dried mint.
The dried mint is an herb that has a series of edible medicinal petals. This herb has a short stem, and its leaves are oval, sharp, and a little fluffy, with a height of 4–7 cm and a breadth of 2-3 cm.
Mint flowers appear in late summer and at the beginning of the fall. Their colors are light red or purplish, and they grow in a numerous row besides each other.
What Are Dried Mint’s Properties?
Dried Mint has a lot of properties. Today, dried mint is used for producing oil or mint essence. Its oil is suitable for flavoring snacks such as gum or rock candy, also in perfume, cosmetics, toothpaste, and so on. It might be interesting to know that 45 percent of produced dried mint oil in the United States is used for flavoring gums.10 percent of dried mint is used for flavoring in the bakery, and pharmaceutical industries, which can affect the dried mint wholesale price.
There are other uses for dried mint, such as producing mint distillate or other herbal distillates. Producing tea and distillates is also possible by using dried mint, and also traditional medicine and the food and medicine industries.
Dried Mint Ingredients
Dried mint contains menthol that has anti-bacterial ingredients. Also, it has been proved that the mint contains magnificent anti-bacterial properties and improves the immune system.
This herb can help mental system, brain and clarity of mind. Using mint can help the brain system in some sophisticated situation and it leads to less mind tiredness. Mint tea is the best relief for nausea and stomachache.
Menthol has a strong anti-oxidants ingredients; rich source of vitamins and mineral compounds therefore, mint that is a rich source of anti-oxidants can help to improve the body immune system.
Due to anti-bacterial property of dried mint, it can resolve bad breath and prevent tooth decay.
What Are the Active Reasons for Dried Mint Price?
Like other products, the dried mint wholesale price totally depends on the quality of the product. In the mint, the dried leaf ratio to its stem and stick is an important factor. By the way, each product that contains more healthy and fresh leaves and less impurity has a higher price.
Another important factor that effects on dried mint wholesale price is the drying process, which directly has an impact on taste, scent, aroma, and durability, which means that if mint is dried correctly it has fewer yellow and black leaves.
Therefore, you must be aware that this product should contain lively, healthy, and aromatic leaves. If you want to purchase the dried mint, you should check its scent to find out if it is fresh or not.
Another factor that has an impact on dried mint wholesale price is the season factor. It means that the nearer the harvesting season, the lower the dried mint wholesale price.
What is the Best Type of Mint?
The origin of mint, like other medicinal herbs, is from the Middle East, North Africa, and the Mediterranean countries. The mint grows mostly in Qom, Isfahan, Markazi, and Fars provinces in Iran. The best kind of Iranian mint belongs to Shiraz city.
Dried mint is one of the best exportable products of Iran, and if you want to experience the premium quality of dried mint, be in touch with the Threeta group.
Dried Mint Guide for Buying and Selling
You can surf our website to be aware of the dried mint wholesale price, dried lemon wholesale price , dog rose wholesale price , and other herbal products with the best price and quality.
The Threeta international trading group is the main selling agent of dried mint and nuts in Iran. Our product has a tremendous quality, and we gladly represent our country in regional and international market in the field of exporting dried mint.
Nutritional Value of Mint
One-third of a cup of dried mint contains 1 gram of fiber and can provide 12%, 9%, and 4% of your daily need for vitamin A, iron and manganese. Compared to other types of herbs, the amount of anti-oxidants in mint is much higher. Anti-oxidants help protect your body from oxidative stress, a type of cellular damage due to the presence of free radicals.
Medicinal Properties of Mint
If you can add dry mint to your daily diet in the form of spices or distillate, it would be great; Because studies have shown that regular mint use can help improve the symptoms of patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Other medicinal properties of this herb include relieving digestive symptoms associated with indigestion, improving brain and memory function, relieving bad breath, improving colds.
Because of these unique medicinal features, it has recently been popular that some pills containing dried mint has gained a lot of fans nowadays. You can also use dried or fresh mint leaves in salads, desserts, drinks, smoothies, sauces and more.
Does Drying Mint Reduces its Properties?
Different tests have shown that dried mint is a good substitute to fresh mint that affects the dried mint wholesale price and can provide you with the nutritional requirement. Even many people believe that dried mint has a more balanced taste than fresh mint.
If you are not able to dry mint for each season, The Threeta group has made it easy for you and offers dried mint with the best quality and provide it without any contamination, and sure it will be your taste. Just try it once!
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